freewill ˃˃˃˃

freewill ˃˃˃˃

The eccentric habits of the first "celebrity couple" of the reform era, Sándor Petőfi x Júlia Szendrey, the heightened emotional world of their two years together, the importance of their opinion-forming role, and tells a story that moves freely in space and time, with a concert atmosphere, entitled "freewill" >>>> perfomance.

2023 October 21.
Back on stage on 28 May 2024!

After the premiere in October, the concert theatre will be back on 28 May 2024, this time at the Margaret Island Theatre!


On October 21-22, 2023, the Erkel Theater hosted the concert theater entitled „freewill” ˃˃˃˃. As part of the Petőfi jubilee-year, we proudly presented this performance as one of the true curiosities of the year. More than 7,000 people have seen the four shows, after all of them the audience appreciated the production with standing ovations.

The play presents a defining period of Sándor Petőfi's life in a special and unique stage adaptation.

We are not highlighting the 1848 war of independence and Petőfi's central role in it, but the passionate love between him and Júlia Szendrey, who, as the first "celebrities" of the reform era, wrote themselves down in history as the best-known love couple.


The story takes place in three periods and locations. He mostly focuses on why we found the ardent, but physically weak poet on the battlefield again and again. At the center of Petőfi's dilemma is not only freedom and love, but also whether he serves his beloved country more loyally with a pen or a sword, what is expected of him by the beloved Jacobin tradition, the Society of Ten, the Pilvax-sociaty, his former mentors from Vahot to Vörösmarty - and what Julia?

The performance is approached with modern tools, in which the rhythm of the scenes is much closer to the visual culture of today's young generation, the dynamics of Insta and TikTok. freewill >>>> offers a new kind of theater experience, at the end of which everyone will be able to take home the story they have lived.

Catchy melodies and popular Hungarian artists - Barbara Schoblocher, Márk Ember, Viki Staub, Mátyás Tóth - make the innovative stage solutions unforgettable.


Producer: Gabriella Illés
Writer, Director: András Almási-Tóth
Music Producer: Bella Máté
Composer: Máté Bella, Péter Furák, Gábor Jancsó
Lyrics: Hujber Szabolcs
Set designer: Balázs Rajcsányi
Lighting designer: Bence Csoma
Animation: Zsombor Czeglédi, Balázs Fügedi, Norbert Tóth
Costume designer: Márk Kiss
Choreographer: Noémi Kulcsár
Playreader: Brigitta Szokolai
Main actors: Márk Ember (vocals as Petőfi), Mátyás Tóth (prose as Petőfi), Barbara Schloblocher (vocals as Juliet), Viki Staub (prose as Juliet)
Big city guys (rap): AKC Misi & Filo
Band leader, pianist: Péter Furák
Bass guitar: Gábor Jancsó
Guitar: László Mózner
Guitar: Péter Kiss
Drums: Csaba Pusztai

The production's co-production partner is MySpace Produkció, the co-producers are Imre Lutter and Gábor Korompai.

The performance is 125 minutes long, with two acts and a 20-minute intermission.

The performance is part of the Petőfi 200 commemorative year, supported by the Petőfi Literary Fund and the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.

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